Become Accredited

We accredit specimens offered by licensed trainers, accredited institutions, and standards of associations in the United States and nationally accredited institutions outside the United States.
  • 1. Meet ACBAA’S Definition of a Specimen

    We accredit Specimen respective to our industry and accrediting inclusion. We define a specimen as an integrated, organized experience that culminates in the awarding of a certificate, degree, or a diploma. In the context of ACBAA's operations, the term "specimen" refers to any distinct entity or case submitted for evaluation and accreditation within the body-altering aesthetics industry. This encompasses a wide range of elements, including but not limited to educational programs, training initiatives, professional practices, and service delivery models. Each "specimen" represents a unique and identifiable unit that undergoes rigorous assessment and scrutiny to ensure compliance with ACBAA's stringent accreditation standards. The term is employed to denote the individual entities or cases that are subjected to evaluation, analysis, and certification by ACBAA to uphold the highest levels of quality and excellence in the body-altering aesthetics field. The specimen will have educational objectives, student outcomes, a curriculum, faculty, and facilities, as described in our accrediting criterions.

  • 2. An entity must be a recognized business entity, whether through government incorporation, charter, or other legal recognition.

    Any organization seeking accreditation from ACBAA must have a legal status that is recognized by the government or another authoritative body. This recognition can come in various forms, such as being officially incorporated, having a charter, a registered EIN, or possessing other legally recognized business statuses. Essentially, it implies that the entity is a legitimate and formally acknowledged business or organizational entity within the appropriate legal framework. In some cases, a submitting entity that does not meet this requirement-- such as unregistered informal groups, unincorporated associations, person’s who inherited research or data, or informal collectives-- may request an evaluation for a program if that program’s accreditation furthers ACBAA’s Mission.

  • 3. Have at Least One Graduate or affected stakeholder, demonstrated through associating research and/or data.

    The submitting entity, whether an educational institution, program, or other organization, should have produced individuals who have completed their courses, programs, or experiences within the purview of the submitted specimen. This stipulation ensures that the organization has had practical experience with the implementation and execution of its educational or operational objectives, contributing to the broader industry's growth and development. It also indicates that the entity's efforts have resulted in tangible outcomes and impacts on stakeholders, underscoring its effectiveness and relevance within the industry. When organizations submit newly developed standards it must come along with the research on the effects of these standards. It suggests that they have conducted thorough development and testing, leading to the successful integration of these guidelines into real-world practices.

  • 4. A well-defined organizational structure that assigns authority and responsibility for administering continuing education and training programs and activities to a particular unit

    As part of the accreditation process with ACBAA, a submitting entity is expected to have a clear organizational structure that effectively designates responsibilities for the management of delivering its [continuing] education and training programs. This structure should establish specific units, persons, or departments responsible for administering these initiatives, ensuring a cohesive approach to the oversight and execution of educational activities. In meeting this requirement, the submitting entity demonstrates its commitment to fostering a well-organized and efficient educational environment, where roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, leading to effective communication, decision-making, and implementation of educational goals.

  • 5. Able to provide documentation required by the application and accreditation interview

    To meet this qualifier, the entity submitting a specimen for accreditation should be equipped to provide all the essential documentation as per ACBAA’s application guidelines. Additionally, during the accreditation interview, they must be prepared to present the necessary paperwork, reports, and any other pertinent information that might be requested for review. This demonstrates the entity's readiness to undergo the accreditation process and ensures that the accrediting body, in this case, ACBAA, has access to the relevant data needed for a comprehensive evaluation.

  • 6. In business for at least one year, operating under the conditions described in the application for at least three months

    This particular requirement mandates that the entity seeking accreditation must have been conducting its business operations for a minimum of one year. Additionally, it should have been functioning according to the terms and conditions specified in the application for at least three consecutive months. This condition is in place to ascertain that the entity possesses a certain level of experience and stability within the industry. It serves as an indication of the entity's capability to sustain its operations over an extended period. Meeting this requirement demonstrates a foundational level of competence and commitment within the field, thereby establishing trust and confidence with the accrediting body.

  • 7. Pass Readiness Audit Preliminary Evaluation (applicable for institutions, associations, and organizations)

    To fulfill this accrediting requirement, entities such as educational institutions, associations, and organizations must successfully navigate and meet the criteria of the Readiness Audit Preliminary Evaluation. This is a vital step in the accreditation process and serves as an initial assessment to ensure that the submitting entity possesses the necessary attributes, structure, and operational foundation that align with ACBAA's standards and expectations. Passing this preliminary evaluation indicates that the entity is adequately prepared and equipped to proceed further with the accreditation process. It demonstrates that they have met the initial qualifications to be considered for accreditation by ACBAA.

If you have questions about your program’s eligibility for ACBAA accreditation, please contact our Accreditation Department.